Host a Party

Hosting a party is a great opportunity to learn about the many products we offer and how to use them properly. Get your sassy friends together so you all can learn how to stay Safe and Sassy while earning some loot of your own. I would love the chance to share with you the many ways you can defend yourself if ever needed. 

Please click the email link or copy and paste the address with your information if you are interested in hosting a party or would like to invite us to an event. 

When you host a party or event you can earn the following:

Retail sales $250.00- $499.00 Your choice of two of the following items- Pouch O Pepper, Hardcore, Holla at Me, or Sock it to me.

Retail sales $500.00- $799.00 One free Pack a Punch stun gun

Retail sales $800.00 + One free Pack O Punch stun gun, one free Pouch of Pepper or Hardcore pepper spray, one Sock it to me and one Road Trip.